About This Platform

Cigarette butts are one of the most common type of litter, being present in public places like streets, parks and beaches. They contribute to pollution and harm wildlife. Moreover, cigarette butts are costly to clean up and create wide-spread nuisance. In line with its aspiration to be a leader in corporate sustainability, Philip Morris International (PMI) is taking action to prevent Cigarette Butt Littering (CBL).

The occurrence of CBL varies across the world. Smoking habits, environmental awareness and disposal practices are different in each country. Therefore, combatting CBL requires a locally customized approach. In order to help Philip Morris International (PMI) affiliates in setting up an effective anti-littering strategy, PMI has developed this interactive digital toolbox that contains a guidance document and best practices that can be adapted and used to develop a local campaign.

The digital toolbox supports the roll-out of the PMI four-step methodology, this will streamline PMI campaigns across countries and improve monitoring of the results. The four steps provide help to explore, develop, implement and monitor impactful litter reduction and prevention efforts.